Welcome to the World Coding Games! Your goal is to reach the finish line on August 12 by collecting the most XP while learning. And now, with our new skill progress feature, you can get live XP updates right on your dashboard.  

Learn more and enter below. 

AUGUST 5 – 12

Earn XP to win

Collect XP as you learn, and see your skills grow with our new skill progress feature. Whichever learner collects the most XP between now and August 12 will take the title of World Coding Games Champion. 

How it works 

  1. Sign up via our community event to join the games 
  2. Earn XP for progressing through different courses and paths. Only XP earned between August 5–12 counts toward the Games 
  3. Top XP earners will be notified on August 14 

You could win

First place (approximate value: $700):

  • A resume review with a Senior Hiring Manager 
  • 3 years of free Codecademy Pro  
  • An official first place certificate 
  • A World Coding Games Champion community badge 

Top 50 placements (approximate value: $200):

  • An official placement certificate
  • 65% off a year of Codecademy Pro 
  • A World Coding Games placement community badge 


Visualize your growth

Our new skill progress feature shows you how your daily learning contributes to your bigger goals. Earn XP for working through courses or paths, and see your progress grow right on your dashboard. The more XP you earn, the closer your skills are to reaching your goals. 

Track your progress

Better understand your progress and see how your skill levels improve over time.

See your growth

Get a clear picture of how you’re growing as you gain tech skills and experience.

Maintain motivation

Celebrate achievements and milestones along the way with tangible progress markers.

Already joined the Games?

Choose a course and start earning XP.